Test, don’t guess

Where appropriate, I may recommend functional laboratory testing when working together. Ultimately, it may mean we can get to results faster. “Test, don’t guess” = we get data to find the root cause of your symptoms. I can then use these findings to personalise dietary, lifestyle and supplement advice to get you effective results, faster.

The tests we utilise use the latest technologies and are state of the art. Not only that, they’re often easy to carry out at home.


Gut Testing

The gut test I recommend provides a full comprehensive picture of gut function. It includes markers that give us true insight into:

  • Digestion: your ability to absorb and utilise nutrients

  • Inflammation: chronic inflammation has also been linked to stress, IBS, fatigue, brain-fog, weight-gain, hormone imbalance and skin complaints

  • Microbial diversity and dysbiosis: an imbalance in the gut microbiome can lead to symptoms such as bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, gas, estrogen imbalances. Understanding the balance means we can support particular bacteria and achieve microbiome balance

  • Immune function: the gut is the first line of defence in the human immune system, if the integrity is compromised it can lead to food sensitivities, poor immunity, IBS symptoms and skin complaints

  • Pathogens, yeasts and parasites: some bacteria, yeast and parasites can live alongside us without causing any symptoms, some can disrupt our mental and physical health and have been linked to symptoms such as IBS, migraine, anxiety and fatigue

See a sample report.

Tests are also available that can assess potential small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).

Read more about gut tests, the test markers, when it might be useful depending on your symptoms, how it differs from the ZOE gut test and see a sample report in the articles here


Hormone Testing for Women

A private hormone test known as the DUTCH test (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones) can be incredibly useful for overall insights into hormonal health and symptoms such as:

  • PMS or PMDD

  • Hormonal acne or skin issues

  • Heavy or painful periods

  • Burnout

  • Lack of energy

  • Irregular periods

  • PCOS

  • Endometriosis

  • Low libido

  • Weight gain or inability to lose weight

  • Stress

  • Anxiety

  • Insomnia

  • Low mood or depression

  • Brain fog

  • Perimenopause  

This gives a comprehensive picture of adrenal and sex hormone function, how you are detoxifying and breaking down excess hormones, alongside also looking into neurotransmitter health (important for mood and drive), and your sleep hormone melatonin.

See a sample DUTCH report here.

Read more about the DUTCH test in our article here


Blood Testing

Checking the basics is crucial. As covered in the Q+A below, we’ll always analyse any recent blood tests from the GP and write to request testing available through the NHS. Remember, you may have been told your results were all “normal”, but that doesn’t mean optimal. Even suboptimal levels within the “normal” range can lead to symptoms. You can read more about this here.

Sometimes more comprehensive blood tests can be valuable.

These include: 

  • A full thyroid screen (including thyroglobulin antibodies, thyroid peroxidase antibodies, free T4 and free T3, TSH).

  • Nutrient markers (including vitamin D, active B12, iron, ferritin, magnesium)

  • Full blood counts, liver and kidney function, cholesterol, blood sugar levels and white cell counts   


Fertility: Sperm Testing

Sperm health matters. Your partner may have been told their semen analysis is “normal”, but did you know Sperm DNA Fragmentation (SDF) testing measures the quality of the sperm as a DNA carrier, which is more significant than parameters in the semen analysis.

Sperm DNA Fragmentation measures the amount of damaged DNA in a sperm sample. Sperm showing higher DNA fragmentation are more likely to experience fertility problems, such as; 

  • Poor embryo development

  • Implantation failure 

  • Increased miscarriage rate 

Given this often overlooked yet important marker, DNA fragmentation is a test we offer in clinic. Luckily even with poor results there is a lot that we can then do to target and support the quality of the sperm. 


Vaginal Microbiome Testing

The Vaginal EcologiX™ vaginal microbiome test is a cutting-edge tool designed to unveil insights into your vaginal microbiome, an integral component of female health.

The test includes an examination of your vaginal microbiota abundance, host inflammatory markers, and pH levels. This means we can understanding your body’s unique vaginal ecosystem, you can make mindful choices to nurture your vaginal health. Why might vaginal health matter?

If there is an imbalance in the vagina’s pH levels, opportunistic or “bad” bacteria can grow. This can then develop into infections such as bacterial vaginosis (BV), the most common vaginal infection in women under 45 and the most common cause for abnormal discharge.

Research into the vaginal microbiome is increasing and associations with:

  • infections such as BV

  • fertility

  • recurrent miscarriage

  • pelvic inflammatory disease

  • ovarian cancers

  • implantation failure

  • and conditions such as endometriosis are being unveiled.

We can then use the insights from this test to make gradual adjustments to lifestyle, nutrition, self-care and targeted supplement protocols to support the vaginal microbiome andbring it back into balance.




  • I always collaborate with GPs, and for any testing available on the NHS write letters to the GP to request these tests. However, if necessary the private testing we utilise is much more advanced, with many more markers than those available through the NHS.

  • If you have recent and relevant results, I will request these from you and analyse them. “Normal” doesn’t always been optimal and can still result in symptoms, so I look at the ranges in quite a different way to your GP. Read more about that here.

  • These are carried out by accredited laboratories that I work with. Tests can utilise saliva, urine, stool, or blood samples. If blood drawers are needed, we can arrange for a nurse to visit you in the comfort of your own home, or we will find you a phlebotomy service nearby. 

  • I always work with an individuals budget and health needs in mind. So it may be that we choose not to test. If we do, costs vary. From around £30 for something as simple as vitamin D to £379 for a comprehensive gut test.


Download your FREE Quickstart Guide

Why do we need to consider the whole body for fertility? Why might your gut and liver matter when trying to conceive? Want a pregnancy that can set you up nutritionally for post-partum? Want to take away the exhaustion and overwhelm from motherhood? This guide is for you.